
Posts Tagged ‘fortress’

I adore my UI. Its been a labour of love for many long years, essentially since 2005 when my shaman started getting into the 50s and there were too many totems to fit on my hot keys. This led to me discovering the Totem Timers addon and since then its been an obsessive-compulsive never-ending quest for improvement. The number of hours I’ve spent on improving, tweaking and completely reworking my UI, it’s practically a whole game in itself. How do you balance functionality with aesthetics? Can you make a minimalistic UI that still gives you all the information you need. Can you access all your abilities without complicated work-arounds, whilst still being able to get a good view of this beautiful World of Warcraft? It’s an epic quest chain.

Finally however, I think I’m finished. Well, not finished, that would be absurd, but I feel like I’ve achieved an optimal balance of all the features I want to include. Sure there’s some tweaking to be done and always will, but I doubt I’m going to change significantly from what I have now. So, allow me to showcase the new and improved Wulfy UI:

Click to make it BIG!


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