
Archive for the ‘Cataclysm’ Category


Blizzard’s media machine seems to be in full swing at the moment, what with daily screenshots of Cataclysm, regular blue posts and the emerging previews on the main CAT site, its getting hard to avoid not getting into spoiler territory. If you’re a person who wants to be surprised by Cataclysm, do not click on those links! Don’t even blink at them. Because let’s face it, Cataclysm is going to recombobulate our virtual lives upside down and the devil is in the details. If you truly want to know nothing about what will befall you in the next expansion, you have to either become an internet hermit or be very very careful about what you click on. In fact, given I’m about to discuss the nature of a few spoilerific spoilers in this post about spoilers, maybe if you don’t want anything spoiled you should not continue to read this! 😉

You can still participate in the poll though!


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So, uhm, wow! Yeah… Where to begin? I rarely comment on recent news but this really caught my attention. In case you’ve been living in a cave for the last couple of days, there has been two major changes. That we will have “points” much like the honor points we got in PvP instead of PvE emblems. And more controversially 10-mans and 25-mans will drop the same item level gear, but 25-mans will drop more gear, emblems (points) and money per player. You can read the full post on the points conversion here, and the post on equal loot in 10-mans and 25-mans here.


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This post contains some very light spoilers about Deathwing. Well, actually they’re not really spoilers they’re more like conjecture based on one piece of artwork, but I am conscious that there are people out there who want Cataclsym to be a total surprise. Therefore, the actual post and said artwork is after the jump. Beware – here be dragons!


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There’s been quite some discussion in our blogosphere recently about ‘Epic’ dungeons, meaning large-scale instances that you can literally get lost in. Ercles made a great post on this subject two weeks ago, and Jaedia over on Lazy Sniper made an interesting reply. Thats why I was extra excited when I read the following blue post from Zarhym the other day:

There’s a level 85 five-player dungeon you might just learn about soon which holds seven bosses in a single instance. It’s in a place you may have heard of before… Uldum (source).

Awesome news! 7 bosses would be a grand return to the old vanilla-tasty days when a dungeon represented an engaging trek through hostile territory, rife with challenge and lore.  Of course I have considered the possibility that perhaps this instance will be mostly bosses and little trash, but I’m working on the assumption it isn’t because then  it would become a massive loot pinata. So this is encouraging stuff for those players who, like myself, like their dungeons with extra helpings of content. Now its just one instance, so I doubt this is a shift we’ll see universally implemented, but hopefully it means that Blizzard have recognised its good to have balance. Perhaps in Cataclysm there will be fast, dirty instances and also a few long, epic instances. That would really make me happy.


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So, we have a ton of cool little bits of information from the Developer BlizzChat, see here for the full details. But whilst a lot of people are getting worked up over the changes to their class, I’ve been more struck by those fun little touches they’ve hinted at. Here’s a quick post on the tidbits of flavour that I found most exciting:

– Forget that pony Ghostcrawler promised you, looks like we might get camel mounts in Uldum! Win.


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So the class changes are out (well mostly) and we’ve all had our appetites whetted by the juicy goodness that Cataclysm promises to bring. Personally this has simply confirmed my belief that I will roll a Goblin Warrior in Cataclysm. Warriors are getting a really solid tune-up, and with a combination of Heroic Leap and Rocket Jump that little green guy will be leaping around more than Yoda in Star Wars Ep 2 (you know, those 5 mins where it was actually good). I also have to say I’m tempted to play a priest for the first time in my life, if for no other reason than to cast LIFEGRIP (aka Leap of Faith)! It just seems like such a fun ability. The Troll Druid may have to be done as well, as balance sounds like its going to be superfun, even if resto ends up being a bit lamer.

So dear readers, now I ask you to contribute your thoughts. Based on the new changes, which class do you most want to roll once Cataclysm explodes into our world?

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So today Blizzard have started giving us their preview of forthcoming changes to classes in Cataclysm and naturally they started with the best class there is: the Shaman. Click here for the full details.

I have to say I’m very excited about most of these changes, as they’re bringing a lot of cool and desireable abilities as well as doing some much-needed balancing acts. It’s enough to make me give Deathwing a big hug! Hurry up and blow up the world already my lava-dragon friend, my Shaman needs to be able to make Earthquakes! Thats right earthquakes; not to mention aoe rain, overloading lava bursts and the return of the mythical spirit link! Read on dear Shamans, we have much to discuss!


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Whenever I’m asked if I thought the game has gotten better in Wrath or not, I will generally say that it has gotten better. But there are, as I’ve mentioned in some previous posts, some exceptions. Having spent quite some time thinking about things I’d like to see come back in Cataclysm, I thought I would share them.

Epic dungeons

When I say epic dungeons I’m not referring to the loot in 5-mans, but rather the size and layout of them. With TBC Blizzard started introducing shorter and more linear 5-mans, they pretty much became the standard in Wrath. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with them, some times you only got three-quarters of an hour or so to spare and just want to pop in, kill a couple of bosses and then log off again. Other times however I find myself wanting to invest a bit more time. While I could do several short dungeons or just do the same several times, it’s not the same, I want to go exploring and experience an epic adventure.

The first place to come to mind is Blackrock Depths. The place is a maze, but in a good way. With its rich lore, multitude of bosses and the many paths you can take to get to the king, you really get the sense of being on an adventurer. Dire Maul, Mauradon and the Blackrock Spire also springs to mind, in fact almost all the vanilla instances gives me this feeling of adventure. While the 5-mans of TBC and Wrath are rich with lore and amazing scenery, they rather feel like they were made to be invaded by a gang of five. You’re constantly being led in the right direction and there is never any question of where to go. As mentioned this is nice at times, but I’d love to get lost in one of Cataclysms new dungeons like I have so many times in Sunken Temple. Why do I have to raid to get that feeling of epicness?

A clear path of progression

I’ve had a go at the badge system before, so I’ll try to keep this short. While it (the badge system) may be useful for gearing up alts and getting that last piece of loot you wanted but never got while your guild were raiding that particular instance, it does have it flaws. The most serious one in my opinion is letting players skipping content completely. With every expansion there will be people who raid for the first time, or people who start raiding again after a long break. By handing these players gear that allows them to bypass a lot of the content, some of which is meant to be introductory to raiding. They go from facerolling heroics where neither DPS or avoiding standing in the fireâ„¢ is very important at all and thus are thought they can safely ignore it. A week or two after they set their first foot into the current last or second to last tier of raiding and, with some exceptions, screw up royally.

I can see that Blizzard means well with the badge system, but I believe that there must be some better way of doing it. What if (and I’m pulling ideas out of my arse here, mind you) you had to get the Siege of Ulduar or The Antechamber of Ulduar in order to unlock triumph to drop from heroics, it could work the same way with Naxx where you had to clear a wing or two in order for conquest to drop from heroics. Make it all account based and you would still be able to gear up alts and reach the higher level content quite fast, although not as fast as before, without completely skipping content. I’m not trying to sound elitist, the people I’m talking about are the ones who make your job a ton harder when they could spare you with very little effort on their own part. It’s the guys who go somewhere with no concept of anything, the ones who always claim that it’s your fault when someone dies, even though they just took a giant yeti to the face or decided to hug a blood beast.

This rant turned out to be a bit longer than planned so I think I’ll divide it into parts of two or three. Feel free to leave some feedback on my ideas and what you miss from the pre-Wrath days.

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